Why handmade is truly special in today’s British society

Top view of woman's head while she polishes stone on bench

It can be easy to forget the beauty in the handmade, when we are in a world where we are surrounded by the mass produced. Unfortunately, we can now walk into a party and easily spot someone wearing the exact same dress we have on. Mass production is killing the joy of ownership and the magic of discovering something special, solely owned by you.

Growing up in Venezuela we had little access to big chain stores, and I remember having my “special” evening dresses made by a seamstress, where I could have an input to the colour and design. These ladies were incredibly talented. Like me they worked from home and took great pride in their work. Living today in the UK I see crafts like these dying all around me.

The British high street are plagued with chain stores and restaurants. With business rates so high it extremely hard for independent shops to survive, let alone thrive. These chains are full of mass produced, cheap products.

It is such a shame that Britain has such rich history of beautiful craftsmanship in so many fields. I would love to see leather workers, jewellers, seamstresses, bakers and butchers return to high street. Fill boutiques with independent brands from designers who choose to have their products handmade in the UK.

To me reproducing that same feeling I had when I wore my “special” dresses is what I live for. Buying handmade is about buying from another individual, feeling that person’s presence imprinted into that special piece. I believe that people value the handmade for the social ties that are reincorporated into our consumption patterns. Having a special attachment to something bought in Primark is almost impossible. You’ll probably just throw it out and buy something more when it goes out of style, but not when it’s handmade because you value it more, then keep it longer and dispose less creating a sustainability loop.

So let’s celebrate all things handmade as a rebellion against today’s throwaway society. Let’s keep traditional craftsmanship alive, let’s make sure it flourishes for future generations.

Jewellery is meant to have meaning, it is meant to be special and handed down to future generations with a story behind it, so why would you buy something mass produced ? Let’s keep our dying crafts alive and celebrate the beauty in the handmade.

Militza Ortiz

Jewellery designer and maker, based in the Wimbledon, London, UK.  Envisioning and hand crafting future heirlooms for 20 years.


Militza Ortiz

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